Homo religiosus

Sociología y Antropología de las religiones

Homo religiosus -  AA.VV. - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

This book brings together a rich list of interesting and erudite approaches to the study of religion as an inalienable dimension of the human being. The first part is devoted to the analysis of modern, now classic, contributions to the study of religion: E. Durkheim, R. Otto, the College of Sociology, C.-L. Strauss, C.-G. Jung, M. Eliade, P. Berger and J. Habermas; the second, to religion in Greece and ancient Mexico, in the latter case taking as reference the Nahua and Mayan culture as paradigmatic examples of what has been called the “hard core” of Mesoamerican religion.
Can the modern world do without the religious dimension of the zoon politikon? Cancel the political animal from homo religiosus? Can modernity, apart from religion, answer the question about the meaning of existence and the afterlife of death?
It is, without a doubt, a set of essays that offer the possib...read more


Book: Homo religiosus

ISBN: 9786073011464