El conocimiento posthumano

El conocimiento posthumano - Rosi Braidotti - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

The systematic accelerations of late capitalism and the rapid advances in our knowledge of living systems, their genetic and algorithmic codes, have blurred the limits of the human, and have called into question the classic object of study of the Humanities. Along with this decline in anthropocentrism, the great acceleration of climate change and the advent of the sixth mass extinction generate a new configuration of nature. The end of Man is already a reality, and therefore the demand is imposed in our days to understand what lies beyond, what comes after. In Posthuman Knowledge, Rosi Braidotti analyzes in detail the profound impact of these revolutions in three areas: the constitution of emerging subjectivities, scientific production, and the practice of academic humanities. Drawing on the most recent research in feminist, postcolonial and anti-racist theory, Braidotti argues that t...read more


Book: El conocimiento posthumano

ISBN: 9788417835866
Precio de lista: $690.00
Descuento: 20%