Título: Slaves and slavery in Ancient Rome
Autor: Zvi Yavetz
Editorial: Transaction
Categoría: Estudios clásicos/ Historia romana
País: Estados Unidos
Estado: Sobrecubierta en buen estado, libro en excelente estado.
Descripción: In this classic study of the social and economic aspects of land-credit rela tionships in ancient Athens, first published in 1952, Moses Finley presents a systematic account of the guarantee aspects of credit. He examines the outward forms of credit transactions, the legal instruments employed, the kind of real property customarily used to guarantee debts, and the e parties engaged in these transactions. Security is the external line between land, which was the basic form of wealth in the Greek economy, and credit. Horoi-engraved stones serving to make public the fact that a particular piece of property was legally enc...leer más