Member of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO-Spain) and associate researcher of the Center for Studies of International Cooperation and Public Management. His main lines of research are diplomatic transformations, global politics and alternative diplomacies. He has carried out postdoctoral stays at the International Institute for Social Studies of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, in the Laboratory of Analysis of Organizations and Social Movements of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities of the UNAM, in the Center for Studies of Collective Identity from the University of the Basque Country and at the universities of San Martin and Arturo Jauretche in Argentina. He has published in magazines such as Third World Quarterly, CIDOB d´afers internacionals, América Latina Hoy or The Global Studies, among others. He is currently developing research on refugees, governance and cities in Galicia with a research grant from the Provincial Council of A Coruña. In Mexico it has level 1 of the National System of Researchers.