Antonio Cabrera

Antonio Cabrera

Antonio Cabrera was born in Medina Sidonia (Cádiz) in 1958. He lives as a child in the Valencian Community and works as a professor of Philosophy in the town of Sagunto. He is the author of four books of poems: In Perpetual Season (Visor, 2000), with which he won the Loewe Foundation Awards and National Critics Award; With the air (Visor, 2004), XXV City of Melilla Award and Valencian Critic Award; and Piedras al agua (Tusquets, 2010); between the first two books of poetry, his collection of haikus with an ornithological theme entitled Earth in the Sky (Pre-Textos, 2001) was published. Part of his poetic work has been collected in the anthology Montaña al sudoeste (Renacimiento, 2014), prepared by Josep M. Rodríguez. As an anthologist himself, he is responsible for the edition of Cimas y abismos (Renacimiento, 2012), by José Luis Parra. Bark of birch (Tusquets, 2016) is his last book of poems. He has poured into Spanish the volumes Poesía y ontología, by Gianni Vattimo (Universitat de València, 1993), Los pájaros amigos, by Josep Maria de Sagarra (Pre-Textos, 2003) and Sobre la lamento de Jason, by Vicent Alonso (Denes, 2008). Also, his is the volume of prose Minute and year (La Palma, 2008). He has maintained journalistic collaborations in the newspapers El País, ABC and Levante-EMV. He has published articles in publications such as Clarín, El machinista de la Generación, Litoral, Lateral and others.