Diego Manuel Ruiz

Diego Manuel Ruiz

He was born in La Plata in 1973. He is a doctor of the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the National University of La Plata (UNLP), in the area of ​​Chemistry. Currently, he works as a teacher in the Chair of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences Agrarian and Forestry (FCAyF), from the same university, and in the Applied Chemistry of the Naval Military School.He is also a professor at the School of Technical Education No. 8 "Juan Bautista Alberdi", in La Plata, "his" school. He has given talks and carried out scientific dissemination activities at various events and institutions.

He is the author of Ciencia en el aire and Viaje al centro de la Tierra, in this same collection, and co-author, together with Diego Golombek, of the children's book Vos y la Energía, published by the YPF Foundation. He also published numerous articles in national and international magazines and presented papers at scientific conferences. In 2010 he received the Prize for Scientific Work in the Young Researcher category by the FACyF-UNLP and in 2012 he received the first mention in the First International Prize for Scientific Dissemination Science that Barks-The Nation, for his book Ciencia en el aire.