Diego Tatián

Diego Tatián

Diego Tatián (Córdoba, 1965) has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National University of Córdoba and a Ph.D. in Cultural Sciences (Scuola di Altu Studi di Modena, Italy). He is a CONICET researcher and professor of political philosophy at the University of Córdoba. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Puebla, São Paulo, Paris, Madrid, Istanbul and Mexico, among others. He published From the line. Political dimension in Heidegger (1997), Place without birds (1998), The caution of the savage. Passions and politics in Spinoza (2001), Spinoza. An introduction (2009), The plot of the just. Borges and the city of men (2010), Spinoza. The Gift of Philosophy (2012), Baruch (2012), The Improper (2013), Spinoza. Earthly Philosophy (2014) and Beings and Things (2014). He has been director of the Publishing House of the National University of Córdoba and dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the same university.