He was born on 12/29/1955. Konex Award 2008. Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) (1978), specialist in Public Law, Telecommunications and Defense of Competition. National Senator for the PRO/Cambiemos party and Provisional President of the Senate (2015-2019); member of the Committee on Human Rights of Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) (2016-2019); Deputy of the Nation and president of the opposition Bloc PRO (2003-2015); Co-author of the Penal Code project (2014); Councilor of the City of Buenos Aires (1987-1991); General Inspector of the City of Buenos Aires (1991); Assistant Controller of the National Telecommunications Commission (1992-93). Professor of Public Services in postgraduate courses at several Argentine universities. Senior Expert of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the drafting of the Telecommunications Law project of the Dominican Republic (1998-2002). Author of the Blue Book of Communications for the Americas (OAS/ITU) with Jeanne Prewitt; and the books De a Caballo; Unity or Confrontation and Being Human (2017).