Francisco López Bárcenas, from the community of Santa Rosa Caxtlahuaca, in the Oaxacan Mixtec, has postgraduate studies in Law and Rural Development. Professor, researcher and adviser to indigenous communities, he has also held community positions in his hometown and has dedicated part of his time to documenting the history of Mixtec peoples, contemporary indigenous movements and the transformations of the State and its legislation. Among his most important books are: Legislation and indigenous rights in Mexico (1998); Autonomy and indigenous rights in Mexico (1998); The mutilated diversity. Indigenous rights in the state of Oaxaca (2001); Indigenous rebellions in the Mixteca (2007); The right of indigenous peoples to consultation (2013); Fire and ashes: the Mixtec peoples in the War of Independence (2011); Lonely rebels. Magonism among Mixtec peoples (2013); The land does not sell! The lands and territories of indigenous peoples in Mexico (2015) and The agrarian property regime in Mexico (2017).