Francisco Pineda Gómez

Francisco Pineda Gómez

Francisco Pineda Gómez is an anthropologist and research professor at the National School of Anthropology and History. In addition to the tetralogy on Zapatismo that culminates in the book The Zapatista War 1916-1919, he has recently published the articles "1916. Racism and Counter-Revolution in Mexico" in the magazine En el Volcán Insurgente, Cuernavaca, n. 46, November-December 2016, and "Liberating Army and the Magonista Libertarian Movement", in the Mouro magazine, Núcleo de Estudos d`O Capital, São Paulo, January 2019, as well as the prologue to the book by Mario Martínez, El general Leobardo Galván and the Surian revolution in Tepoztlán, 2017, and the prologue to the collective book coordinated by Armando Josué López Benítez and Víctor Hugo Sánchez Reséndiz, The utopia of the State: genocide and counterrevolution in Surian territory, 2018