Since graduating from Yale in 1990, Gavin Edwards has always pursued everything that really interested him. In his journalistic facet, he has written up to twelve covers of Rolling Stone magazine, in addition to signing articles in the most prestigious headlines, from Wired magazine to The New York Times. On the bookshelves of the bookstores, you can find up to eight books on some of his obsessions, among which the applauded biography of River Phoenix, Last Night at the Viper Room: River Phoenix and the Hollywood he Left Behind and the bestseller VJ: The Unplugged Adventure of MTV's First Wave. When most recently he wanted to focus on some truly important cultural character for US history. and of the planet, he doubted among other artists and actor Bill Murray. He was lucky to meet the second in an interview and, above all, to talk to a lot of people who after crossing with him felt something different and better. Thus he understood two things: that he wanted to write a book about Murray's vital philosophy and that the best way to be ourselves (or the best version of ourselves) is to try to follow some of the clues that the actor leaves us. Ultimately, Gavin Edwards knows that by understanding how Bill Murray is, we can make this planet a more fun, free and friendly place.