François-Noël Babeuf, also known as Gracchus or Gracus, was born in Saint Quentin on 23 November 1760. It was a political theorist and revolutionary who, at first, greeted the French Revolution of 1789, but then was very critical of she. The May 19, 1790 he was imprisoned, and released in July thanks to the intervention of Jean-Paul Marat. In October, Babeuf began editing Le Correspondant Picard. He settled in Paris in February 1793 and was imprisoned between November 14, 1793 and July 18, 1794. Thereafter, he continued to publish newspapers, including the Journal de la Liberté, which is October 5 became Le Tribun du peuple, true disseminator of ideas who is considered the "first communist". Along with Darthé, Marechal, Buonarrotti and other advocates of the abolition of private property, Babeuf led the "Conspiracy of Equals". On August 8, 1797 died on the guillotine.