GUILLEM LÓPEZ (Castelló, 1975) published his first novels, The War for the North (Ajec, 2010) and Owners of Destiny (Ajec, 2011) in the territory of epic fantasy with a great reception by public and critica.
After his collaboration in various anthologies of stories and a book of illustrated aphorisms, he published his third novel, Challenger (Aristas Martínez, 2015), in which he portrays a multitude of universes that intersect the morning of the space shuttle accident. Worthy of the "Kelvin 505" award for best science fiction novel published in 2015, and also of the "Ignotus" award for best novel awarded by the AEFCFT at its annual meeting.
His fourth novel, The Moth in the House of Smoke (Aristas Martínez, 2016), portrayed the rise and fall of an outcast in an underground and dark world, and has been defined as an instant classic of the genre in Spanish.
During the Eurocon 2016 in Barcelona he was awarded the "Spirit of Dedication of the European Science Fiction Society" in the category of best author.
In his fifth novel, Spiders of Mars (Valdemar, 2017), he draws a family drama against the backdrop of the quantum functioning of the human brain, and explores the path of dark speculative fiction, the strange and the horror as an inescapable horizon.