Gustavo Faverón Patriau (Lima, 1966) holds a PhD in Hispanic literatures from Cornell University and currently works as an associate professor at Bowdoin College, Maine, where he directs the Latin American Studies Program.
He is the author of the history book Rebeldes (Madrid: Tecnos, 2006) and the book of literary theory Contra la allegoría (Zurich: Olms Verlag, 2011). He has edited Toda la sangre: antología de cuentos peruanos de la violencia política (Lima: Matalamanga, 2006) and, together with Edmundo Paz Soldán, Bolaño salvaje (Barcelona: Candaya, 2008; expanded edition in 2013). The Antique Dealer has been translated into English on the Black Cat label, by Grove/Atlantic (2014) and is being translated into Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese.
As a journalist, he has been editor of the magazine Somos, of the newspaper El Comercio, and has written in such prestigious magazines as Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Revista Hispánica Moderna, Revista Iberoamericana, Quimera, Hueso Húmero, Etiqueta Negra, Buensalvaje, Velaverde, Soho, Dedo Medio, Caretas, Quehacer, Chasqui and newspapers and electronic media throughout the Hispanic world and the United States. He is director of the academic journal Dissidences: Hispanic Journal of Literary Theory. From 2005 to 2011 he managed the blog Puente Aéreo, considered by the Spanish newspaper ABC as the most influential in Latin America.