Orden del Aleph, El

Orden del Aleph, El - Gustavo Faverón Patriau - Peisa
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The Order of the Aleph not only presents us with fascinating arguments about Borges' writing, method and perspective, but it does so in an impeccable language and style, heir to Borges and Bolaño. To be even more Borgesian, the book ends, like Borges' story, with a postscript dated May 31, 2021. There the author says that the Mosque of Amr had suffered the same fate as the house of Beatriz Viterbo, and that it had been demolished as early as the seventh century, for an ambitious expansion. Beyond the denial of the epiphany that the story seems to propose, Faverón tells us, "El Aleph" is a story about the salvation of the world through language and a story that, paraphrasing the author, "disbelieves in the fears and apprehensions of Borges' own aesthetics, a story that is not satisfied with the imminence of revelation, but on the contrary reveals an all-encompassing form of love for h...read more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Orden del Aleph, El

ISBN: 9786123051822