Jaume Martinez Bonafe

Jaume Martinez Bonafe

Bonafé Jaume Martínez, was a school teacher in his first ten years as a teacher. Currently he is a professor in the Department of Teaching and Educational Organisation, University of Valencia, and prominent member of the Pedagogical Renewal Movement.
He has taught courses, seminars and conferences in various Spanish and Latin American universities. He is the author, among other works, Programming and Evaluation of Teaching (in collaboration with B. Salinas) (1988); Pedagogical Renewal and Professional Emancipation (1989); Teaching practice (1991) and Curricular Projects; Planning Teaching and Teacher Professionalism (1993); Working in school. Faculty and reforms at the turn of S. XXI (1998). He conducted research for the CIDE on the possibilities and limits of the school as a public sphere, which Viure materials democracy l'escola (2000), forthcoming in Castilian emerged. It has chapters in several collective publications and contributes regularly to various magazines Spanish and foreign education. He is currently conducting research on control policies through curriculum materials, and the relations between knowledge and power in the discourse of teacher education.