Jorge Fondebrider (Buenos Aires, 1956) is the author of books of poetry Elegies (1983), Empire of the Moon (1987) and Standards (1993). As published essayist and anthologist The outside Buenos Aires. Foreign Testimonials 1536 until today (2001) and versions of Patagonia (2003). Along with Pablo Chacón wrote the essay The straw in the other eye. The cultural journalism in Argentina 1983-1998 (1998). He also published poetry Conversations with Argentina (1995). He selected and prefaced poetic anthologies of Joaquín Giannuzzi (1988) and Juan Gelman (1994), and edited and prefaced the poetic work of César Fernández Moreno (1999). Translated from French to Georges Perec, Deluy Henri Bernard-Marie Koltès and published contemporary French Poetry 1940-1997 (1997). English translated Gershwin's World, Edward Jablonski (Adriana Hidalgo, 2000). Together with Gerardo Gambolini bilingual anthology published contemporary Irish Poetry (1999) and, in two volumes, the cycle of Ulster (2000), an anthology of angloescocesas ballads (2000) and other Irish folk tales (2000).