Jose Antonio Emmanuel. Anarchist teacher and philanthropist from Malaga, first cousin of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, José Antonio Emmanuel is one of the various aliases of the pedagogue José Ruíz Rodríguez. At the beginning of the thirties, after the proclamation of the Second Republic, Max Bembo (pseudonym with which he signed the essay La mala vida en Barcelona: Abnormalidad, miseria y vice) gave way to José Antonio Emmanuel, who collaborated with the International Committee of Schools in order to promote rationalist schools. At the same time, he promoted the International Anarchist Library (B.A.I.), a small publisher based on Montserrat Street in Barcelona, responsible for the «International Library» collection, which had eleven titles published in just two years. They were small works of ideological propaganda that cost 20 cents and that explained concepts such as the organization of the proletariat, union action or anarchy. In the latter case, the brochures Anarchy Explained to Children and Anarchy Explained to Women stand out, another brochure with similar characteristics.