José Luis Lezama

José Luis Lezama

Dr. José Luis Lezama (June 4, 1952), obtained a doctorate in Social Sciences, specializing in Environmental Policy, from the Faculty of Environmental Studies of University College London, in the United Kingdom. Dr. Lezama was Director (2003-2009) of the Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA) of El Colegio de México and Director of the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development and Professor-Researcher at the same institution. He has been Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Department of Air, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, coordinating the chapter on environmental policy and institutional analysis in Mexico City's Air Quality Project, directed by Dr. Mario J. .Molina. He was Visiting Researcher at the Department of Population Dynamics at Johns Hopkins University, at the World Resources Institute, in Washington D.C., at the Faculty of Architecture of the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium, at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris ( Sciences Po Paris), at the Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED), France, at the Université de Paris X (Nanterre) and at the Institute of Latin American Studies (IELAT) of the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Dr. Lezama was also Editorialist (1996-2014) of the Reforma Newspaper, (national newspaper in Mexico) where he writes on environmental, urban, scientific, technological and social issues, he is a Member of the Advisory Committee of the Habitat Program of the Organization of the United Nations. He received the 2008 José Pagés Llergo National Journalism Award for Environmental Journalism and was an Honorable Mention in the 2001 Ecological Merit Award. Dr. Lezama is the author of the following books: 1) The Human and Non-Human Construction of the Sense of the World . The Mayan Tribe of the Cojoes before the Pocho God of Death; 2) Energy Policy and Sustainability, (2014); 3) The great problems of Mexico: Volume IV. Environment (2010); 4) Building City (Coeditor, 2008) 5) Population, City and Environment in Contemporary Mexico (2006); 6) Environment, Society and Government: The Institutional Question (2006); 7) Social Construction and Environmental Policy (2004); 8) The Environment Today: Crucial Issues in Contemporary Debate (2001); 9) Divided Air: Critique of the Air Policy in the Valley of Mexico, 1979-1996 (2001); 10) Social Theory, Space and City (1993, 1999, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2014) and 11) Society, Space and Population (1990). He has published more than 200 articles in magazines, newspapers, and books in Mexico and abroad on the environment, environmental policy, social theory, and urban development.