José Manuel Losada

José Manuel Losada

José Manuel Losada. With a doctorate from the Sorbonne and professor at the Complutense University, José Manuel Losada has carried out his research work for more than ten years at the universities of Harvard, Oxford, Montreal and Durham; He has also given official teaching at the universities of Navarra, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Montpellier, Münster, Munich, Valencia, Guadalajara-Mexico, Tunisia and Iceland.

He has published twenty-five books of literary criticism in a dozen countries and two hundred articles in specialized magazines. IP of «Acis, Mitocrítica Research Group», as well as numerous national and regional research projects, he is founder and editor of Amaltea. Mitocrítica Magazine, president of Asteria. International Association of Mythocriticism and expert evaluator of ANECA, AEI and CNEAI (Spain), and HCÉRES and IUF (France).