Poet and writer, Juan José Hernández was born in San Miguel de Tucumán. He has published the following books of poems: Denied tenure, La siesta and orange, overcome Clarity, and Other Summer Song and counting. Poems and portraits.
He is the author of the storybooks and Innocent's favorite, and the novel The City of Dreams. In 1996 appeared his complete short stories, entitled Here's mom.
By Adriana Hidalgo has published desideratum (poetry), Writings irreBerentes (trials) and City of Dreams (full narrative).
Translator Paul Verlaine (Erotic Poems and Girlfriends) and Tennessee Williams (In the winter of cities), Hernandez was also a fellow of the National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation in the United States and the House of Writers Translators and Saint Nazaire, France. He earned national and municipal awards narrative, the Dupuytren Foundation and the poetry prize Centennial La Capital de Rosario. Assists in the daily La Nacion, Clarin and La Gaceta de Tucumán; and magazines Poetry Journal, Phoenix and Proa.