Juanma Agulles

Juanma Agulles

Juanma Agulles. (Alicante, 1977) Thinker and essayist, he paid for his sociology studies by working as a bricklayer, a store boy and a gas station attendant. In line with anti-developmentalist and libertarian criticism, he has developed a prolific intellectual activity, reflected in the publication of books and articles, and as part of the editorial board of Cul de Sac magazine. The result of his work is Non legor, non legar. Literature and subversion (Ediciones del Tábano, 2008), Sociology, statism and social domination (Brulot, 2010), The limits of consciousness. Essays against the technological society (El Salmón, 2014), Automatic pilot. Notes on contemporary sleepwalking (El Salmón, 2016) and The destruction of the city (The books of the Waterfall, 2017).