Laura N. Lora is a lawyer from the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. She holds a PhD in the area of Social Law (Doctoral thesis: "The quality of life in the adoption institute. Socio-legal perspective"), Specialist in Sociology of Law and Institutions and Specialist in Administration of Justice degrees issued by the University of Buenos Aires.
In relation to her teaching activity, she is a regular Professor in the Area of Social Sciences, specializing in Sociology in the Law Career of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. Since 2000, he has taught the subjects of the Oriented Professional Cycle "Current Problems of Sociology of Law" and "The Selection Criteria in the Institute of Adoption" (courses recognized in the Orientation to Scientific Research by resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Faculty from 2013 to the present). Since 2015 she has taught the subjects "The socio-legal recognition of non-human animals as subjects of rights" and "The teaching of law around non-human animals. Interdisciplinary perspectives".