Luce Irigaray, born in Belgium (1930) and resides in Paris. She is one of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of difference feminism. Since her book Espéculum de ella, published in 1974, her criticism of the monosex patriarchal culture has been central to a thinking and doing of the world that breaks the idea of the male as the universal neuter and container of the female gender. Her profuse philosophical reflection, always focused on being a woman in this culture and on the search for conditions for the development of an "autonomous feminine subjectivity", has encompassed analysis of relationships, language, law, history, sexuality, of creativity and aesthetics. Author among other titles of Ce sexe qui n’en est pas un (1977); Friedrich Nietzsche's marine lover (1980); L'Oubli de l'air - chez Martin Heidegger (1983); Éthique de la différence sexuelle (1984); Le temps de la difference. Pour une revolution pacifique (1989); J’aime à toi (1992); Être deux (1997); Between Orient et Occident (1999) and Prières quotidiennes / Everyday prayers (2004).