Manfred Svensson

Manfred Svensson

Manfred Svensson was born in Jönköping, Sweden, in 1978. Married, three children. In 2000 he obtained a degree in Humanities, Philosophy, from Adolfo Ibáñez University (Viña de Mar), Chile. Between 2003 and 2007 he completed doctoral studies graduating with a PhD in Philosophy from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, later joining the Philosophy Institute of the University of the Andes, where he teaches medieval philosophy and directs the Master of Philosophy He specializes in the subject of great Christian thinkers, but particularly in matters of practical philosophy in St. Augustine, reception of Aristotle in Protestantism (especially Melanchthon), and theories about moral conscience. He has published numerous technical articles in specialized magazines, such as: "Adiaphora in San Agustín?" In "Traditio"; Studies in Ancient and Medieval Thought, "History and Religion" 65, 2010; Theorie und Praxis bei Augustin in "Alber", Freiburg, 2009; Abelardo The Dialogue argument between a Philosopher, a Jew and a Christian in "Philosophica" 32, 2007; Variations on the evil in San Agustín in "Revista de Filosofía" (Venezuela) 61, 2008; Joseph Butler and the context of consciousness. A reading of the Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel "in" Philosophical Praxis "(Colombia) 29, 2009; Philipp van Limborch and John Locke. The Arminian influence on Locke's theology and notion of tolerance in "Pensamiento" (Spain) 244, 2009. He has translated Søren Kierkegaard's Current Epoch into Spanish, and is the author of the books Theorie und Praxis bei Augustin (Alber, Freiburg, 2009), Resistencia y gracia cara (Clie, Barcelona, ​​2011) and Beyond Sensibility (Clie, Barcelona, ​​2011) The Thought of Søren Kierkegaard (Clie, Barcelona, ​​2013).