Marcelo Mellado

Marcelo Mellado

The parody and diatribe are usual tools in the writing of Marcelo Mellado, writer and professor of Castilian born in the city of Conception. Already with the publication of his first novel, El Huidor (1992), he revealed his critical vision of institutional practices, through an acute and lackluster style that he continued to develop in El Objetor (1996), a storybook where installs its criticism towards the cultural policies of the country, which qualifies as a "picantería". His novel La provincia (2001), set in the port of San Antonio, maintains this declarative line and gives life to delirious and hyperbolic characters. Also, Report Tapia (2004), is presented as a parody novel, where criticism of the functioning of cultural apparatus. However, it is in the articulation of discourse and the use of language, where its comicness lies, as Roberto Merino points out: "[in] describing one segment of reality with a language corresponding to another language" . In 2007, Marcelo Mellado published Citizens of low intensity, work that received the Prize to the UDP Criticism.