Born in Madrid in 1953, is currently a professor at the Pontificia Comillas University and visiting professor at many universities in Latin America. He previously worked at the Complutense University and the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC. It was formed in Madrid (with Juan Miguel Palacios and Juan Martin Velasco) and Mainz (with Walter Gerhard Funke and Nikolai). His latest books are: Pain, truth and goodness (2006), Compassion and catastrophe (2007), De aesthetic and mystical (2007), The perfect Good. Invitation to the Platonic philosophy (2008) Phenomenological Theory of Truth (2008), Socrates and heirs. Introduction to the History of Western Philosophy (2009) and Gorgias. Peace is the search for truth (2010). In this same Editorial published Life and World. The practice of phenomenology (1999).