Born in Buenos Aires in 1937, writer, translator, poet, journalist and binder figure par excellence, for five decades Miguel Grinberg as protagonists transited the world of counterculture, strengthening friendship with figures like Allen Ginsberg, Witold Gombrowicz, Jonas Mekas, and Nicanor Parra Henry Miller. Among his more than fifty books published, with own texts, translations and anthologies, are: Days Beat, how came the hand. Origins of the Argentine rock and Generation "V". He was founder, editor and publisher of the magazines Eco Contemporary Counterculture and Mutantia. During the 60s he created "new solidarity", an association of American poets, and translated and disseminated to the beatniks authors. Drive movement Argentine rocker, also played for the Argentina with a group of young musicians from the adoption of the Castilian language as the language of rock. It is also a leading promoter of the environmental and ecological activism.