Miguel López Melero

Miguel López Melero

Miguel López Melero. He is a professor at the University of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Malaga. He before was a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a visiting professor and collaborator of several universities such as Bologna (Italy); Bremen, Berlin, Colonia, Hamburg (Germany); Linz, Vienna (Austria); Bucharest, Iasi (Romania); Budapest (Hungary), Lima (Peru), San Salvador de Jujuy (Argentina); Santiago de Chile (Chile); Guadalajara (Mexico), Havana (Cuba), etc. He also often teaches courses and seminars in numerous European universities and is a habitual speaker and lecturer in national and international congresses.
In the following link there is a video with an interview conducted by Educationontv
And the interview by Patricia Pineda in Diario Sur
The main lines of research are: a) The Roma Project An experience of education in values. Development of logical processes of thought (cognition, language, affectivity and autonomy) in exceptional people in normalized situations and contexts; b) Inclusive School: Curriculum and Teacher Training; c) Intercultural education; d) Quality of life and educating cities. Education in values; e) University and culture of diversity
Among his publications deserve mention: learning to know people with Down syndrome. (1999) The Roma Project, an experience of education in values ​​(2003), conversing with Maturana de Educación (2003), building a school without exclusions. A way of working in the classroom for research projects (2004); as well as numerous works in different collective publications.
He usually collaborates in specialized magazines, including: Behinderte Menschen. (Linz, Austría); Behindern Pädagogic (Frankfurt, Germany); Synemic (Guadalajara, Mexico); Ponto de Vista (Florianopolis, Brazil); Brasileira de Educação Special (São Paolo, Brazil); Pedagogy Notebooks (Barcelona., Spain); Educational innovation (Santiago de Compostela, Spain); Interuniversity of Teacher Training (Zaragoza, Spain); Inclusive education (Jaén, Spain); Tavira (Cádiz, Spain); Organization and educational management (Madrid, Spain); Education, politics and society (Madrid, Spain).
She has received several awards for her teaching and researcher work as received in 2005: I International Prize in Intellectual Disability Research. Caja Navarra Foundation, Pamplona, ​​or the one received by the Ministry of Education of Peru, Plate and Diploma in recognition for her contribution and commitment to the construction of a school for all and for all that assess the differences, city of Lima (Peru , 2006).
He is currently director of the Consolidated Group of HUM-246 Research: Culture of Diversity and School of the Junta de Andalucía (P.A.I.) and Director of the Roma Project.