Miguel López Melero. He is a professor at the University of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Malaga. He before was a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a visiting professor and collaborator of several universities such as Bologna (Italy); Bremen, Berlin, Colonia, Hamburg (Germany); Linz, Vienna (Austria); Bucharest, Iasi (Romania); Budapest (Hungary), Lima (Peru), San Salvador de Jujuy (Argentina); Santiago de Chile (Chile); Guadalajara (Mexico), Havana (Cuba), etc. He also often teaches courses and seminars in numerous European universities and is a habitual speaker and lecturer in national and international congresses.
In the following link there is a video with an interview conducted by Educationontv
And the interview by Patricia Pineda in Diario Sur
The main lines of research are: a) The Roma Project An experience of education in values. Development of logical processes of thought (cognition, language, affectivity and autonomy) in exceptional people in normalized situations and contexts; b) Inclusive School: Curriculum and Teacher Training; c) Intercultural education; d) Quality of life and educating cities. Education in values; e) University and culture of diversity
Among his publications deserve mention: learning to know people with Down syndrome. (1999) The Roma Project, an experience of education in values (2003), conversing with Maturana de Educación (2003), building a school without exclusions. A way of working in the classroom for research projects (2004); as well as numerous works in different collective publications.
He usually collaborates in specialized magazines, including: Behinderte Menschen. (Linz, Austría); Behindern Pädagogic (Frankfurt, Germany); Synemic (Guadalajara, Mexico); Ponto de Vista (Florianopolis, Brazil); Brasileira de Educação Special (São Paolo, Brazil); Pedagogy Notebooks (Barcelona., Spain); Educational innovation (Santiago de Compostela, Spain); Interuniversity of Teacher Training (Zaragoza, Spain); Inclusive education (Jaén, Spain); Tavira (Cádiz, Spain); Organization and educational management (Madrid, Spain); Education, politics and society (Madrid, Spain).
She has received several awards for her teaching and researcher work as received in 2005: I International Prize in Intellectual Disability Research. Caja Navarra Foundation, Pamplona, or the one received by the Ministry of Education of Peru, Plate and Diploma in recognition for her contribution and commitment to the construction of a school for all and for all that assess the differences, city of Lima (Peru , 2006).
He is currently director of the Consolidated Group of HUM-246 Research: Culture of Diversity and School of the Junta de Andalucía (P.A.I.) and Director of the Roma Project.