Louis Octave Uzanne (Auxerre, 14 September 1851a - Saint-Cloud, 31 October 7, 1931) was a French journalist, editor and writer. He stood out for his bibliographical research around the authors of the eighteenth century. He published unpublished works, based on biobibliographical records, by many authors, such as Paradis de Moncrif and Benserade, Caylus and Besenval, the Marquis de Sade and Baudelaire, and founded the Société des Bibliophiles Contemporaines, of which he was president. He wrote several literary works and collaborated in newspapers such as L'Écho, La Plume, La Dépêche de Toulouse, Le Mercure de France, Le Gaulois and Le Figaro de Paris. Another of her themes was the discussion of fashion and femininity in the French fin-de-siècle, in monographs and works such as Son Altesse la femme, Féminies and La Française du siècle. Her personal works also include novels and fantasy books , as Surprises du Caur (1882) and Contes pour les bibliophiles (1895).