Ramón Monedero Pujol (1976) is a journalist, with a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Catholic University of Murcia and a master's degree in Social Communication from the University of Almería. He has collaborated with various magazines such as "Imágenes de actualidad" and "Scifiworld", as well as digital film publications such as "Cinearchivo", "Kane 3", "Miradas" and "Aleteia", and has given lectures on film at the Catholic University of Murcia and at the CEU in Valencia. He has appeared in film programmes on Onda Cero, Onda Regional de Murcia Radio Cope and on the regional television channel 7 Región de Murcia. He has published the book "M. Night Shyamalan. En frecuencias veo muertos" (Ediciones Encuentro, 2012) and has coordinated the book "Lovecraft. La alargada sombra del tentáculo" (Roseta, 2017). He has also collaborated in publications such as "The Views of the Night. Cinema and Vampirism" (Ocho y Medio, 2005), "Views for a New Millennium. Fragments for a Future History of Spanish Cinema" (Alcalá de Henares Film Festival, 2006), "A Stranger Among Us. Adventures and Misadventures of José Luis Borau" (Notorious, 2008), "Cinema XXI. Directors and Directions" (Cátedra, 2013), "John Carpenter. Ultimatum to the Earth" (Macnulti, 2013), "Spanish Fantasy and Horror Cinema. Mutations and Reformulations (1984-2015)" (TyB Editores, 2016) and "Shyamalan. The Glass Filmmaker" (Berenice, 2018).