"Reinhart Koselleck (Gbrlitz, 1923), after an academic pilgrimage Bochum and Heidelberg, saturated in young and excellently equipped Bielefeld University, where he continued shaping from interdisciplinarity, the most successful variant of the history of concepts an approach that he started cultivating multidirectionally and strength in the late 60 Awarded the Reuchlin (1974), Historischen Kollegs (1989) and Sigmund Freud scientific prose (1999) awards, has participated with special involvement in discussion forums that have left their mark in the German culture, "" Modern social History "", "" Language and History "" and "" Poetics and Hermeneutics "," for example, and is also co-founder of the influential journal Geschichte und Gesellschaft.
Among his prolific work include three landmarks: Critique and crisis. A study on the pathogenesis of the Bourgeois World (1959), Future past. On the Semantics of Historical Time (1979) and Strata time. Historical Studies (2000), in addition, of course, edition, along with W. Conze and O. Brunner, the portentous fundamental historical concepts dictionary. Historical lexicon of political-social language in Germany (1972-1997). Faustino Oncina Coves, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Valencia, edited texts, among others, Fichte, Schiller, Schelling, Gadamer, and in collaboration with JL Villacañas of Koselleck himself (History and hermeneutics, Barcelona, 1997), and illustration published several papers on its idealistic criticism from deployment and hermeneutics. "