Doctor by the Wilhelms-Universität Münster and the Autonomous University of Madrid, is a research professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research at the Institute of Philosophy which has been a founding member and director from 1990 to 1998 His research moves between the study of the relationship between religion and politics-from this is attested, for example, atheism, politician (1973) and Mysticism and politics (1990) - and concerns about the relationship between truth and history of suffering, such the reason it appears on the vanquished (1991), Report of the West (1997), Memories of Auschwitz (Trotta, 2003) or A backlight politically correct ideas (2005). He is director of the project "IberoAmericana Encyclopedia of Philosophy," edited by Trotta, being the coordinator of the volume Philosophy of History (2005), and principal investigator of the project "Philosophy after the Holocaust" developed in that CSIC Institute of Philosophy.