L.G. Una aventura de los años sesenta

L.G. Una aventura de los años sesenta - Georges Perec - Waldhuter
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Weight: 200 g
Soft cover

Between 1959 and 1963, Georges Perec and some of his friends analyzed and reconsidered a project for a magazine, named La Ligne générale (The General Line), in reference to Eisenstein's film. The La Ligne générale group was a nebula of uncertain boundaries: from one to several dozen participants, all very young (between eighteen and thirty), mostly students, frequently members of the Communist Party and even more frequently in conflictual proximity. with this.

From this magazine that never saw the light, the most substantial scattered fragments are presented here, those that were partially or totally written by Georges Perec. Although the group of La Ligne générale perecquiana erred on intellectualist idealism, there was nothing insensitive about their models. In a mixture of optimism and voluntarism, these texts expressed a dream of fullness, of a broad life that showed the wo...read more

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Book: L.G. Una aventura de los años sesenta

ISBN: 9789874916082