Reynaldo Yunuen Ortega Ortiz. He was born on June 19, 1968. Mexico, Federal District. He studied Political Science, Columbia University, M.Phil., s, New York, United States, Political Science, University of Columbia in the City of New York, Doctor of Philosophy, Building Democracy: Political Parties and Democratization in Spain and Mexico, New York, United States, Fulbright-García Robles Scholarship. Government and Comparative Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc. in Politics - Comparative Government, U. S. defense policy in the 1980s: a state-centric view, London, England, Bachelor of International Relations, Center for International Studies (CEI), El Colegio de México, A.C., Bachelor of International Relations, Autonomy of the State in Mexico: The Economic Solidarity Pact, Mexico D.F., Mexico.