Robert Boyer was born in 1943 in Nice, France. He has been a research economist at the Institut des Amériques for the past two decades. He was director of research at the National Center for Scientific Research and studies at the Ëcole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and visiting professor at numerous institutions of international prestige, and one of the main founders of the regulation school. The study of the history of ideas and economic theories is present in the abundant published production of him. In particular, institutional and historical macroeconomics, innovation systems, innovation and analysis of economic growth, labor market and wage relationship, international comparisons of modes of regulation, European integration, financial crises, monetary and financial regimes, economic policy, states welfare, the variety of capitalism (Asian and Latin American). His recent published books are: Les capitalismes lepreuve de la pandémie (2020); La fabrique des inégaliés: Japan, China, Ëtats-Unis (2016); Ëconomie Politique des capitalismes Théorie de la regulation et des crises (2015).