Santiago Muñoz Machado is Professor at the Faculty of Law at the Complutense University , academic of the Royal Spanish Academy and the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Science, and has been honored with several awards and recognitions for his influential institutional work. He has published more than forty books, diverse themes, always characterized by the newest and address relevant issues affecting the organization and activity of the State , the European Union and the rights of citizens.
He is also author of historical essays ( The problem of structuring the state in Spain , 2006) , biographical ( Sepúlveda , chronicler of the Emperor, 2012) and stories ( Riofrio , 2010). His latest work is to report on Spain . Rethinking the state or destroy (3rd ed. . , Review , 2012).
The problems of freedom of expression , on returning in this essay , dedicated in 1989 , his work Press freedom and defamation suits , edited by Ariel .