Sara Vassallo graduated in Letters (1974), D.E.A-Psychoanalysis in Paris VIII under the direction of François Regnault (1984). She has a PhD in Letters (Aix-Marseille, 1996). She is a professor at the Collège International de Philosophie (Paris, 2005-2006) and Ibero-American Literature at the Institut Catholique de Paris (2003). She is a lecturer at postgraduate seminars in Buenos Aires and Rosario. Author of Sartre, an introduction, ed. Quadrata, 2010, Buenos Aires; Translation, introduction and notes by Kierkegaard, The works of love, Leviatán, Bs As, 2010; Writing masochism, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2008; Sartre et Lacan, le verbe être, entre concept et fantasme, Préface de F. Regnault, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2003 (trans. in Catalogs, Bs As, 2007) and articles in magazines and on the Web.