Siri Hustvedt, born in Minnesota, of Norwegian parents, lives in Brooklyn, New York. After novels and essays published in Spain by Circe, his third novel, Todo que amé, published in Spain by Circe and in Latin America by Anagrama, was his international consecration: "Siri Hustvedt's most ambitious and most gratifying novel. Fascinates, passionate and restless "(Salman Rushdie); "It places it among the best of American literature" (Miguel Russo, Veintitrés Magazine, Buenos Aires); "A clear exponent of Siri Hustvedt's narrative ability. An author who undoubtedly still has much to tell us "(J. A. Gurpegui, El Cultural). In Anagram has published later Elegy for an American: "The consecration of Siri Hustvedt. I dare to predict that it will be one of the books of the year »(Robert Saladrigas, La Vanguardia); "An exceptional novel" (Juan Manuel de Prada, ABC); "The elegance of the transparency of the Hustvedt method gives the novel an ethereal dimension, very light" (Sergi Sánchez, El Periódico), as well as The trembling woman: "Siri Hustvedt, one of our best novelists, has long been a brilliant explorer of the brain and mind. A scholarly book, fascinating, that makes the relationship between mind and body amaze us even more "(Oliver Sacks).