Susana Guerrero Salazar

Susana Guerrero Salazar

PhD in Hispanic Philology.

Extraordinary Degree Award (course 1993-1994).

Extraordinary Doctorate Award (1996-1997).

Recognition by the Andalusian Women's Institute for her work in favor of equality (2014).

XX National Essay Award Leonor de Guzmán, from the Chair of Women's Studies of the University of Córdoba for her work "The Spanish sports press: linguistic and discursive sexism" (2016).

Vice President of the Alonso Quijano Foundation.

Member of the Association of Historical Studies on Women of the UMA.

Member of the Permanent Commission of the Equality Unit of the University of Malaga since its inception in October 2008.

Member of the HUM 159 Research group of the Junta de Andalucía called Recovery of Andalusian Literary Heritage until 2009.

Member of the research project on "The informative treatment of the Roma community in the written press: awareness of young journalists", carried out by the IAJ, AMURADI Association, University of Malaga, Seville and Pablo Olavide. Research title (2006-2007).

Member since 2009 of the Research Group HUM 046 News Analysis Group on Linguistic Dissemination, the Languages of Spain and their varieties.

Responsible for the Adaptation Agreement of the Hon. Malaga City Council to the Gender Mainstreaming guidelines established by the European Union from March 12, 2012 to May 30, 2015.

Contract no. 8.06/5.48.3811 with the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the University of Jaén for the preparation of a Guide for an equal use of language and a non-sexist image at the University of Jaén from February 1 to May 30, 2012.

Member of the Educational Innovation project PIE 13-173 (“Didactic Application of the Virtual Newspaper Library of Spanish Languages”) of the UMA.

Member of the Precompetitive Project 305-MA of the III Own Research Plan of the UMA.

Collaborator in the Project "Discrimination of Roma society in the media", a project supported and financed by the Department of Equality, Health and Social Policies of the Junta de Andalucía and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of the Government of Spain. Publication: Pact against antigypsyism, Action Protocol (2016):

Director of the Educational Innovation project PIE 15-20 Virtual newspaper library of the languages of Spain: Didactic proposals for innovation in teaching and research at the UMA (2015-2017).

Member of the Excellence Project for metalinguistic discourse in the Spanish press (1940-today). Multidimensional analysis and characterization. Director Carmen Marimón (University of Alicante). FFI2015-65917-P. Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages. Budget 26,400.

Collaborator in the Project "Making awareness of future communicators at the University of Malaga about the importance of gender mainstreaming in communication processes for the change of mentality towards the elimination of inequalities in the world", organized by Paz y Desarrollo and co-financed by the Malaga City Council, from January to March 2016.

Coordinator of the Master of Equality and Gender of the UMA