Victoria Larosa. Buenos Aires, 1971. She is a psychologist from the UBA, teacher and cultural intervener. Since 1996 she works at the University of Buenos Aires, in the Faculty of Social Sciences and in the Faculty of Psychology. She also teaches postgraduate seminars at the Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano. She was a member of Grupo Imagen Cristal, a virtual platform dedicated to teaching classes on Deleuze, Guattari, Nietzsche. As an institutional analyst, she develops her activity publicly at the José T. Borda Hospital and also privately. She is coordinator of workshops and study groups in philosophy and clinic from 2004 to the present. She is the author of several works in Campo Grupal and the book Ensambles (eudeba). She is the editor of the Nietzsche Field Notebooks and co-editor of Revista Transversales I and II. In July 2018 she published Curandería. Clinical, Performatic and Gualichera listening.