What is it to be a Mantis?
The mantis is an invertebrate beast whose bad and unfair fame precedes it. All because it can, at times, devour the male during mating. The gossip forgets, however, that this creature is powerful, not because it kills, but because it carries its ear in its heart. In that cavern she metabolizes the experience, breaks it down, and thus, between diastole and systole, she returns to us the always unique vibration of a truth.
Yes, our Mantis lovingly devours the reader and offers him a revelation in return. He listens to the heartbeat of the toxic and painful world, modulates them in his chest and invents with them stories that bite and bleed, that embrace and forgive. It is faithful to the noblest vocation of the publisher: discovery. And without the need to cast a shadow or protect himself in it, supported by its magnificent and delicate structure,...read more