
We say in Erdosain that a book is a speech printed on paper and contained between two covers. As if we looked at the magician's lucid poma, each book written in the world is itself the complete history of the world, regardless of whether the book is ignored for its poverty or lack of readers, or if it is praised by critics through the centuries, transcending time.
If in the distant future, a homo alienus visits a deserted planet Earth, extinct of inhabitants, in which, of all the creations of men, only a single book half buried in the dunes of oblivion will endure, this would be the only testimony of the disappeared humanity: a very small part that would tell the whole that we were once: small and enigmatic tower of Babel, where all the peoples and their languages ​​would once again be one. Such we think the responsibility - and fault - of the editor.
Each book can be a more