Al estilo Jalisco

Al estilo Jalisco - Juan Pablo Villalobos - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"Do you think I'm saying pure bullshit? That going to live in another country for a football match is the greatest absurdity they ever heard in their lives? Not my friends, it is not: it was what I did when I turned eighteen. I'm seriously. How will they understand me if they do not let me explain it to them? Do you remember the fourth goal against Czechoslovakia, also from Jairzinho? He invented a Messi goal when there were still seventeen years before the Argentine dwarf was born ... ".

Jalisco style is a story where polyphony and verbal dexterity merge in the criminal spot, a mise-en-scène that portrays abjection, survival and human nature from the sieve of football as a condiment of self-criticism, black humor and irony not only for the passionate ones of the jogo bonito, but of the fresh and delightful Literature of Juan Pablo Villalobos, one of the most solid and more


Book: Al estilo Jalisco

ISBN: 9786079828004