Alegato a favor del actor

La imaginación es el cuerpo

Alegato a favor del actor - Jorge Eines - Gedisa
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Plea for the actor wants to clarify from different orientacio¬nes of human thought the basic conceptions of the two Russian directors as Eines have better understood the problem of the actor: Stanislavsky and Meyerhold. They included in their criteria all possible aspects of the development and understanding of dramatic practice, and in this book Eines performs the integration of technical resources of both directors. The title of the book acquires its full meaning in a context in which, according Eines, the actor is subjected to neglect, both from the practice stage, considered one seudomarioneta available to an aesthetic, and from the theory and technique, understood both as intellectual development necessary for the smooth conduct of drama. To Eines the essential target of the book is the actor, or who wants to be: intended as a tool to stimulate thinking bears the theater in your more


Book: Alegato a favor del actor

ISBN: 9788497841696
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 20%