La formación del actor

Crear para creer

La formación del actor - Jorge Eines - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 15.5 g

Where do you start? Is it possible to think of art as the foundation of a building?  The question of the beginning of the formation of an actor is fueling the history of theater. The unique way this book addresses the problem seems to be the starting point of a journey to understand the pedagogy of Jorge Eines.  A proposal that deals with the process at an early stage and that opens the door to the imagination, dexterity and therefore the technique. All with the aim of guiding a student to find his place in the art of the actor.  A book that is a starting point. A path to the other texts of the author (The teaching of drama, Plea for the actor, the actor calls and Make act) composing a theoretical and practical universe to deepen the guidelines that define the training


Book: La formación del actor

ISBN: 9788497841689
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 20%