Alejandra Pizarnik

Escritura y pulsión de muerte

Alejandra Pizarnik - Isela Segovia Magaña - Navarra
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

This work is a fabric that links two regions of knowledge and truth: psychoanalysis and literature. Both discursive practices attack the language that shapes them and derails them. Both suffer the lacerating wound where the latter shows its desperation. Its excessive passion for saying everything and the unbearable cliff of the insurmountable obstacle that subdues it. They do the impossible to make it say the unsayable.
This is a book about psychoanalytic knowledge and literary practice. It deals with writing and death. But not in the abstract. There is a poetess who makes history with her story. Alejandra Pizarnik gives voice to this strange duo. She gives it words. That is the virtue of this text. Invoking a story to be able to think about such difficult and important issues. And she does it to the letter.

Helí Morales

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Alejandra Pizarnik

ISBN: 9786078789764