Amor, sexo y castidad

Amor, sexo y castidad - Jiddu Krishnamurti - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 158.8 g
Soft cover

We can not escape relationships with others. In them we discover who we are, our prejudices, fears, depressions, anxieties, loneliness, pain. In relationships, we calibrate whether or not there is what we call love. The quality of one's life depends on the quality of the relationships. Why does the mind think of sex? Why has sex become such a crucial aspect in the lives of many? As long as we do not delve into the human mind, sex will be an increasingly insoluble problem. "The act itself can never be a problem, but the thought about the act creates the problem." Love, sex and chastity brings together a series of dialogues in which these and other topics are addressed with the usual and fascinating lucidity of Krishnamurti . Here is a book that invites the reader to question their own lives and to move towards greater freedom.


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Amor, sexo y castidad

ISBN: 9788472455139
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 15%