Antología de las más famosas historias de amor

Antología de las más famosas historias de amor -  AA.VV. - Akal
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 1000 g

This anthology collects the most significant episodes of various stories of disparate origin, but all famous for talking about the secrets of the heart. A journey from the classical world to Spanish Romanticism, always following the fascinating biography of characters such as Paris and Helena, Tristán and Iseo, Amadís and Oriana, Romeo and Julieta or don Juan and Doña Inés, among others. With different scenarios and at different times, love hits everyone with an excessive force, until it becomes a disease, a conflict that can lead to the tragic outcome or the ideal sublimation of affections. The compilation, mainly composed of narrative episodes, is completed with multiple comprehension activities and also with exercises that bring the literary text closer to other artistic modalities (painting, cinema, music), favoring interdisciplinary work in the classroom.



Book: Antología de las más famosas historias de amor

ISBN: 9788446029465
Precio de lista: $306.00
Descuento: 20%