Breve Enciclopedia del cristianismo

Breve Enciclopedia del cristianismo - Edward Geoffrey Simons Parrinder - Akal
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Soft cover

Written by the prestigious specialist Geoffrey Parrinder, this succinct and comprehensive encyclopedia delves into the most widespread religious faith in the world: Christianity. In it, Christianity is presented both in its historical context and in its complex contemporary diversity. Moving from the figures and events of the first centuries of its history to the profound changes and movements that emerged in the twentieth century, and from Western to African or Asian churches, Parrinder combines detail with the overview, bringing the reader closer to the complex reality of Christianity, both ancient and modern. Concepts, figures, rites, texts and artistic elements are analyzed in an entertaining and clear way, accompanied by numerous photographs, tables and maps as well as a complete chronology, providing the reader with knowledge and understanding of the topics treated.

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Breve Enciclopedia del cristianismo

ISBN: 9788470904066
Precio de lista: $560.00
Descuento: 15%